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Contraband: ‘Legal mail’ contraband

A C1 member in Louisiana wrote: “In November of 2011, our facility received a brown envelope marked ‘Legal Papers.’ Our policy is that we do not “search” legal mail, however we typically have the offender open the package in front of us or we open it in front of them if it seems suspicious. "

This particular envelope seemed heavier than most “legal mail” and the return label, though containing a local attorney’s information, was not the type of label the mail room is familiar with coming from this attorney.

After checking with the attorney’s office to confirm that they had not mailed any legal mail to the offender, the package was taken in front of the offender and opened. It contained a legal pad, with only the top page written on, however the board backing felt too thick, so the deputy examined it further.

There were actually two board backings with some of each cut away, containing loose tobacco, rolling papers and matches.

Have you found interesting contraband in your facility? Want to win a free T-shirt? Email us your pictures and stories and we’ll share this valuable information with the Corrections1 community.

These images and videos of illegal inmate contraband have come directly from Corrections1 members, readers and expert contributors. As officers in the field, Corrections1 members have the greatest insight into the contraband and illegal tactics used by inmates to subvert the security of our nation’s vital corrections institutions. By submitting these images and videos of paraphernalia, Corrections1 members share potentially life-saving information with their brothers and sisters.

See links to more photos like this at our Corrections Contraband page. If you have a contraband photo or video you would like to add to our database, please email us at