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12 NY COs sent to hospital after inmate attacks

The two attacks, one involving over 20 inmates, were related

By Corrections1 Staff

AUBURN, NY — Two inmate attacks sent 12 corrections officers to the hospital on May 11 and May 13.

According to, officers were taken to the hospital after inmates attacked COs during cell searches and escorts.

On May 11, two officers escorted two inmates to their cells for “disciplinary reasons,” but the inmates refused to go back to their cells and attacked the officers. Approximately 25 inmates joined in the attack.

An officer fired a chemical agent into the crowd, but the attack didn’t stop, prompting more officers to help the COs. One of the officers was knocked unconscious during the attack.

More chemical agents were used until they eventually worked, but eight COs had to be taken to a local hospital and be treated for injuries.

The inmates who participated in the attack were put in special housing.

Officers conducted cell searches because of the attack, which yielded six makeshift weapons.

On May 13, more cell searches were being conducted when an inmate attacked officers who were frisking his cell.

The inmate kicked a CO during the struggle but was restrained by four officers and moved to the special housing unit. Those four officers were treated at a local hospital and released.