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Iveda, ProphetStor collaborate on video hosting

The resulting system would allow for better management, scheduling of resources


Above, the Federator SDS TM by ProphetStor, below, the Sentir Intercloud by Iveda.

Courtesy of ProphetStor and Iveda

By C1 Staff

Iveda and ProphetStor are partnering to create the infrastructure for a Big Video Data cloud storage system.

ProphetStor’s Federator SDS TM will manipulate existing storage silos and commodity hardware into an intelligent storage system for Iveda’s Sentir Intercloud platform.

The resulting system, which would serve as the basis, would allow for public and private cloud deployments for device provisioning, video streaming and cloud video analytics.

ProphetStor’s Federator provides automatic discovery and abstraction of physical storage resources into virtual pools classified by capabilities and performance.

It also provides centralized management, automated storage