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10 tips for passing a correctional officer interview

You made it this far -- make sure you’re prepared for the next steps

By C1 Staff

You just got the call – you’re going to interview for a correctional officer position! You’re one step closer to starting your career in corrections.

It’s all right to feel a little nervous; we took to Facebook to gather some intel on the best ways to pass a correctional officer interview. Check out the best ones below, and add your own in the comments.

What tips do you have for someone going in for a CO exam or interview? Share your responses below, and they might end up in a C1 article.

Posted by Corrections1 on Friday, April 3, 2015

Carlos Dominguez: I had my “interview” with FLDOC. An assistant warden and two sergeants were conducting it. After 5 minutes they asked if I had any questions... I pulled out a piece of paper out my rented suit pocket with about 25 questions and interviewed them for about 30 minutes.

It was an hour and 30 minutes’ drive back to Orlando. About 45 minutes into the turnpike, they called... They wanted to offer me a job.

Go in there prepared: research the department, the institution and show them that you’re not just another person looking for a job.

Stay safe!

KayCee Hopkins: For an interview:

- Do NOT lie
- Answer the questions with the best answer you’ve got
- Don’t be afraid to ask questions
- Be honest. In this profession, integrity is the basis of everything.

Chris Nieto: And also, if possible what kind of questions would be asked on the pych-eval.

Alan La Salle: If during a psychological interview the psychologist questions you on an area from the written exam that may be a red flag or concern, don’t feel attacked. Answer any questions calmly, maintain eye contact, and above all, answer honestly. Nobody has lived the perfect life. The psychologist may just be observing how one handles themselves under a little pressure.

Nicole Bouwens: The most important thing is to have a clear understanding as to why you chose this career. If you can’t answer that question, then you should choose another career. Always be yourself.

Craig Ross Young: Get a good night’s sleep.

Jarrod Marsman: Interview, they want people persons. Who can talk, and think outside the box. Remember we’re not police. It’s a very different situation regarding enforcement. Be honest, but don’t answer questions you’re not asked. Don’t over think. Be positive. It’s all on the job. Don’t care what anyone says. Ninety percent of what you learned in training is what you will encounter and how you will react.

Tc Crane: The easiest way to do the interview is to answer with honesty. An experienced officer is a human lie detector, used to listening to lies and excuses all day long. That’s the person who is interviewing you. If they ask you a tough question that doesn’t make you look good that’s ok. They are looking for a stand up person to hire so look them in the eye and lay it all out there. I was taking a pay cut to get the job so I just put my cards on the table. The next time I talked to them I was accepting the job.