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Basic first aid: Treating a nosebleed

Nosebleeds are rarely life-threatening, but they can be easily treated

By C1 Staff

Bleeding can often be a regular occurrence as a corrections officer, especially when it comes to noncompliant inmates. If you get elbowed in the face, you could be dealing with a nosebleed.

Of course, there are many other reasons on why your nose might be bleeding. Minor irritations and colds easily cause nosebleeds.

Most nose bleeds occur on the front of the nasal septum. This is the piece of tissue that separates the two sides of the nose. These types of nosebleeds are very easy for a trained professional to stop. Less commonly, nosebleeds may occur higher on the septum or deeper in the nose. Such nosebleeds may be harder to control. Nosebleeds are rarely life-threatening.

Check out this video for tips on how to best treat a nosebleed: