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Contraband: Toothbrush crossbow

This weapon, submitted by C1’s own Gary Klugiewicz, was found in a Canadian prison.

Found in 1998, the crossbow was built from 10 toothbrushes, a cigarette lighter, a section of ballpoint pen casing, a piece of wire coat hangar, a section of a pair of aluminum cafeteria tongs, assorted electrical components, pieces of yellow rubber gloves, some Kleenex, a piece of string, and a few screws.


The darts were made from tightly rolled paper, Q-tips, aluminum foil found in cigarette packs, pieces of wire and masking tape.

Tests by prison staff showed that the weapon could fire a dart over 40 feet with accuracy. It’s unclear if the crossbow was ever used to wound or kill anyone.

This particular item is on display at the penitentiary museum in Kingston, Ontario, along with many other weapons created by inmates and confiscated by corrections officers.

These images and videos of illegal inmate contraband have come directly from Corrections1 members, readers and expert contributors. As officers in the field, Corrections1 members have the greatest insight into the contraband and illegal tactics used by inmates to subvert the security of our nation’s vital corrections institutions. By submitting these images and videos of paraphernalia, Corrections1 members share potentially life-saving information with their brothers and sisters.

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